Dear Ones,
With joy we look forward to the month of October, for not only are we meeting this first Sunday of October 2, but also on the third Sunday, October 16, we will be welcoming special guests Asha Nayaswami and Keshava Betts of Ananda Palo Alto! Before I get ahead of myself, let us remind ourselves of our location:
Be Well Yoga Studio, upstairs
1906 W Koenig Lane
Austin, TX 78756
Time: 9:00 – 10:15 a.m.
Brunch to follow after at Brentwood Social House, a short walk down the street.
Please note that we meet at 1906 W Koenig, not 1908, which is also part of Be Well. Turn into the driveway between Be Well and Bare Body Salon. Park in back. Take the outside stairs up to the studio. Bathrooms may be accessed through the back door on ground level, through the kitchen and straight ahead.
I will remind you again, but mark your calendars now for Asha Nayaswami’s and Keshava’s workshops in Austin October 14 -15 at the Texas Yoga Retreat. On Oct. 16, they will lead us in a Sunday service, Ananda-style, at our Be Well Studio on the 16th from 10:00 – 11:30. There will be a room reserved for us for lunch at Star of India. I will be asking for a head count, so look for my email on that. She will be the guest speaker on The Unfinished Mind podcast run by The Polymath Club of the University of Texas’ College of Natural Sciences. The topic will be “How meditation expands our consciousness”. I will share out the link for that. Finally, Asha will give her talk on “Courage in the Face of Change: Hope for a Better World” at the Unity Church of the HIlls on Monday evening at 6:00 p.m. All this is found at — go check it out!
Well, that was a lot to share! I will send more reminders in the couple of weeks we have before the events. I look forward to seeing you at our peaceful, deep meditation gathering this Sunday!
Joy is within you,